The Pocket Incensory is a passive item found in Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight.
It grants fire damage to melee and ranged attacks, as well as active item attacks (ex: Bakman Patch). Since the games don't have elemental damage mechanics, the "fire" effect instead increases damage power slightly, has a chance to stun enemies on impact, and leaves behind an orange particle effect with each hit.
This in itself makes the Incensory one of the most useful items in the game, but when combined with the Drilling Arrows it can easily stun-lock almost every enemy in the map with ranged attacks.
It is very useful for Immortal and no-damage runs.
Unlike most multi-copy items in the game, getting both incensories from the Heretical Arsonist and the shopkeeper at Karst Castle doesn't give any additional effects. It's the same as having a single copy of one or the other.