Momodora Wikia


Artemisia's GraveBelltower GardenCountrysideDim Hideout

Distortion in TimeHellIshlith ShrineNOISE LoopOld Madryn


Enterance (Blocked)

NOISE Loop is a scrapped area planned for Momodora III. It appeared only in the demo for the game.

It can be found relatively early. After leaving Countryside and taking the elevator down in Ishlith Shrine, on the left, there will be a series of three small stone blocks. Those blocks can be destroyed, allowing one to go into NOISE Loop.

Once there, one would find out that there isn't much to do in this area. Without exploiting the game, that is. From the very first screen lead three ways. One is back to Ishlith Shrine. The second one is through the ground. A part of the floor is made of a set of stone blocks. Those stone blocks cannot be broken from above, though. And the last one leads over a ledge. It is just barely large enough to be unclearable with a double jump. On top of it stands a save bell.

Continuing further[]

It may seem like a dead-end. But there is a way to carry on that doesn't require editing the save.ini file. Double jumping may not be a viable method to get over the ledge. But it brings Momo in the near proximity of the save bell. Once she is there, she can swing her leaf, saving the game. Due to how saving works, Momo will still be at the apex of the double jump. Yet able to perform another mid-air jump. Lunging will work to get on the ledge.


Enterance (Opened)

Further left are five rooms with a similar premise. Setting foot in any one of them causes the entrances to get blocked. Comparable to when fighting a boss. They unblock once all the enemies are defeated.

For some reason, there is a wall obstructing further progress.

Altering the save file[]


Initial Room

It seems like there is no way to continue our voyage without modifying the game files. We can ignore the first few lines of save.ini as they aren't important to us at this moment. The six and seventh lines are the position on the X and Y axes, respectively. After changing X to 300 and Y to 80, Momo should be past the damned wall. Behind the door lies a hole. Down there is a narrow shaft demanding precise jumps as to not fall on spikes. That shaft leads to an empty room with not but a Bakrog Wizard. At this point, it's obvious as to why there was a barrier. This part of the area is unfinished. One room has floating water that doesn't quite reach the ground. A small room with those falling blocks above spikes mentioned earlier. Three rooms of emptiness later lurks a stretch of BAKs waiting to fall. We reach our final destination. All that for a chest containing a love letter. Looking up is a bomb block connected to the set of stone blocks from the beginning. Hitting it causes the bomb block to disappear. Yet the set of stone blocks still holds good.
