Momodora Wikia


Angelus ErrareChoele ChoelIvory NetherworldKoHo PlainsMilori Sanctum

Mint EndRahart Hall


Milori Sanctum is an area in Momodora II.

Milori Statue and the Wave Charm

The Wave Charm with Milori Statue

It contains the statue of Milori. In the same room there is the Wave Charm, that allows the user to throw paper seals through walls and access Choele Choel.

The player fights Eri Karst for the first time here.

Green Magic Leaf[]

The Green Magic Leaf is an optional item. Obtainable once the player gets the Twinkle Pendant. Momo has to dash on the blocks, where she fought Eri for the first time. That opens a hole in the ground to jump into. Down the hole there is the Leaf.

Green Magic Leaf

The Green Magic Leaf in the chest
